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Equestrian Centres

It is important for equestrian centres to implement wildlife control measures to minimise potential risks to both horses and riders.

Equestrian Centre Wildlife Management

Keeping horses and riders safe is of the utmost importance at any equestrian centre.

However, the presence of wildlife in the surrounding area can pose potential risks to both horses and riders. That’s why it is important for equestrian centres to implement wildlife control measures to minimise these risks and ensure the safety of all.

Equestrian Centre Pest Control Methods

Fencing & barriers

One effective strategy is to install wildlife fencing around the perimeter of the equestrian centre. This can help to keep wild animals away from the property and reduce the risk of encounters between horses and wildlife. Additionally, it can also provide a physical barrier to protect both riders and horses from wild animals that may be in the area.

Equestrian centre - horse

Food and waste management

Another important aspect of wildlife control is to properly manage the food and waste at the equestrian centre. This can include securing feed and other attractants to prevent wild animals from accessing them, as well as disposing of waste properly to reduce the attraction of wild animals to the property.


It is also essential to monitor wildlife populations and behaviour in and around the equestrian centre. This can help to identify any potential conflicts and take appropriate action to mitigate any negative impacts.

Wildlife control measures are an important aspect of ensuring the safety of horses and riders at equestrian centres. By implementing these measures, we can reduce the risks associated with wildlife and create a safer environment for both horses and riders.

Our equestrian centre wildlife control services

Geese & Avian Control

Specialising in humane and eco-friendly goose and bird control services, helping property owners and managers maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for visitors...

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Squirrel Control Services

Squirrel control is essential for maintaining the safety and integrity of your property. Our humane and eco-friendly methods effectively manage squirrel populations, preventing...

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0344 216 3055

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