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Wildlife Management - Fox Control Services

Landmark specialise in urban fox control in high risk areas and the urban environment.

The Fox Control Specialists

Landmark are the wildlife and fox management experts with over 30 years’ experience in providing fox management services across the UK, for both residential and commercial customers across the UK.

If you’d like to discuss a problem with foxes, Landmark are here to help! Contact us today and our expert fox team can advise on all methods of fox management, providing recommendations on how to resolve the problem quickly and effectively.

Landmark's fox control services

At Landmark, our professional team of fox controllers can offer all forms of fox advice and fox control.

Our bespoke services range from a single visit to regular visits, to suit your requirements. Above all we use the most appropriate and humane methods to suit the customer whilst always being discreet. Contact us for further information on our fox management methods and to discuss your problem.

  • Night shooting: Landmark Wildlife Services trained marksman use silenced rifles and night vision to control fox problems. We have firearms in a variety of calibres to enable us to use them as safely as possible.
  • Fox trapping: Landmark use non-harmful live trapping fox traps suitable for use in very high-risk areas.
  • Fox proofing: Landmark provide fox proofing install services to help keep your premises fox-free, protecting property, lawns, livestock and pets.
Fox in garden

Why control foxes?

Problems foxes can cause

Foxes can cause a variety of problems for humans, pets, and livestock. Some of the most common problems caused by foxes include:

  • Damage to property: Foxes can dig holes in lawns, gardens, and flowerbeds while searching for food or building dens.
  • Threat to pets and livestock: Foxes are natural predators and may prey on small pets, such as rabbits, cats, and small dogs, as well as livestock, such as chickens and ducks.
  • Noise pollution: Foxes are known for their loud noises which can be similar to a scream, this can be especially disruptive during mating season or when they are in close proximity to homes.
  • Spread of disease: Foxes can carry and spread diseases, such as rabies, mange, distemper and leptospirosis (weils disease) which can be transmitted to pets and humans.
  • Pest control issues: Foxes are known to prey on small rodents and insects, which can be beneficial for pest control. However, they can also cause problems by killing beneficial wildlife, such as ground nesting birds and beneficial insects.
  • Traffic accidents: Foxes may wander onto roads and cause traffic accidents, which can be dangerous for both humans and the animals themselves.
  • Fox mess: Fox faeces has a distinctive smell it can be a nuisance and many dogs like to roll in it!
  • Scavenging in urban areas: In urban areas, foxes are known to scavenge through trash cans and garbage bins, causing a mess and potentially spreading disease.

Overall, foxes can cause a range of problems for humans and wildlife. It’s important to take appropriate measures to manage and mitigate these problems, it’s important to use a professional wildlife management company when you are looking to control  a fox issue.

Some key characteristics and behaviours of foxes

Foxes are small to medium-sized carnivorous mammals. Foxes belong to the Canidae family, which includes dogs, wolves, and coyotes.

  • Appearance: Foxes have a distinctive appearance, with pointed ears, a long bushy tail, and a reddish-brown coat. However, their coloration can vary depending on the species and their habitat.
  • Diet: Foxes are omnivores and will eat a wide range of foods, including small mammals, birds, insects, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Behaviour: Foxes are solitary animals and are most active at night. They are known for their intelligence and can adapt to a wide range of environments.
  • Habitat: Foxes can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and deserts. Some species, such as the Arctic fox, are adapted to live in extreme environments.
  • Reproduction: Foxes are typically monogamous and will mate for life. Females give birth to litters of pups, which they raise in dens.
  • Role in ecosystems: Foxes play an important role in many ecosystems, helping to control populations of rodents and other small mammals.

Urban foxes

Urban foxes are foxes that live in cities and other urban areas. They have adapted to living in urban environments and are often seen in parks, gardens, and even on the streets. Here are some key characteristics and behaviours of urban foxes:

  • Diet: Urban foxes are omnivorous and will eat a wide range of foods, including insects, small mammals, fruits, vegetables, and even human food scraps. They are often seen scavenging for food in rubbish bins and skips.
  • Nocturnal: Foxes are primarily nocturnal, which means they are most active at night. However, they can also be seen during the day, especially in areas where they feel safe and have access to food and shelter.
  • Territory: Foxes are territorial animals and will defend their territory from other foxes. In urban areas, territories can be quite small and overlap with other foxes.
  • Adaptability: Foxes are highly adaptable and can live in a wide range of habitats, including cities. They are known to use human structures such as sheds and garages for shelter.
  • Risks: While urban foxes are generally not a danger to humans, they can pose a risk to pets and livestock, especially if they are not properly secured. They can also cause damage to gardens and property.
Urban fox control

Are foxes protected by law?

In the UK, foxes are classed as pests. Controlling foxes is legal but must be carried out by a professional pest control company in a humane way.

Why choose Landmark?

  • Landmark are the wildlife experts – We are passionate about service and are specialists in fox control and all elements of rural pest control.
  • Cognitive know-how – Landmark provide dedicated wildlife management support; with over 30 years industry experience we have the knowledge, experience, and capacity to resolve wildlife problems for customers on a national basis.
  • Innovation & technology – At Landmark we use state of the art equipment specific to rural pest control requirements. Applying in field innovation combined with traditional pest control methods.
  • Comply with legislation – Landmark fully comply with legislation.
Red fox

Types of foxes in the UK

There are six different species of foxes in the world, however there is only one species of fox in the UK: the red fox. There are several different colour variations of the red fox, including the traditional red, silver, and black, and others.


  • How to protect against foxes?

    Secure livestock and pets in enclosures, rabbit runs should not be left out on grass overnight. Keep your garden and land clean and tidy, remove attractants like food sources. Where possible use concrete bases for sheds and garages
  • Are foxes dangerous to dogs or cats?

    There have been occasional reports of foxes fighting with a cat or small dog or dog napping.

    Foxes can spread diseases to dogs include toxocariasis, mange, and infections from their bites. Roundworm (Toxocariasis) can spread to dog if it ingests or comes too close to fox faeces.
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0344 216 3055

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